Introduce yourself!

Well said. A big part of development programming for me has always been the pleasure of learning, but over the years that impulse has increasingly been directed of necessity towards technologies (frameworks, apis, platforms, build systems etc). This can be interesting up to a point, but often it feels like wheel-spinning compared to engaging with the more fundamental matters of how to structure and think about solving problems computationally. I’ve found starting to learn Clojure really refreshing, or as you put it:


:wave: Hello! My name is Ykä. I live in Helsinki, Finland. I found Clojure around 2014, after some 10 years of professional software development, mainly with Java.

Starting out with Clojure felt like coming back home because I had studied SICP and Scheme in the university and already liked Scheme back then. Scheme never felt practical because of poor support in contemporary operating systems. Clojure, however, was always both a great language and practical because of JVM interop.

During the last year or so, I have worked at Tomorrow Tech where we have built a digital trading platform for the residential real estate market mainly on Clojure. I’ve also been helping out organising the Helsinki Clojure Meetup.

Besides working in software development, I enjoy climbing, early music and spending time with my family (two kids). I’m ykarikos on Twitter.


Howdy! I’m a (mostly) .NET F# programmer by way of C, Visual Basic, PHP, Ruby, and C#. I’ve really liked tinkering with LISPs here and there and been interested in Clojure for years, though I’ve been so involved with the F# community for the last decade that I’ve not had time to explore it. I’m currently freelancing and thinking of finally picking up Clojure and cljs for a project.

As to beverages, I am not too picky. I like coffee, espresso, and tea and tend to drink whatever is the appropriate drink for the region I’m visiting (or mood I’m in). I’ve most recently been enjoying coffee in the morning and Rooibos tea in the evenings.


Hello all
My name is Gabriela,
I am a brazilian software engineer currently working at Nubank,
a digital bank that uses clojure through all it’s infrastructure.

I’m growing more in love with clojure every day and am happy to be part of a community.


Hello there!

My name is Marlus, I’m a brazilian Designer and Creative Developer.

I started my programmer life with Flash Actionscript, and then, as I mostly work with webdesign, computer graphics and interactive installations. Become confortable working with many languages and frameworks… HTML5, Arduino, Processing and TouchDesigner.

Few months ago I did a course about Functional JS, and that changed my life. I’m in love with functional programming, decided to start learning Clojure to be a better programmer. Always been curious about LISP syntax… And great fan of Karsten Schmidt (Toxilibs and

As a great fan of visual programming, found here a discussion about luna language and I’m very glad that there are many people here interest in this subject.

I want to start small projects with reagent and re-frame. I was taking a look at Elm, but when I found re-frame, it was a big motivation to learn Clojure instead. Just started watching some courses and reading CLOJURE for the BRAVE and TRUE, while having some cooffee :wink:


my name is Vincenzo and I am from Italy.
I worked as a programmer, using many languages, for over 40 years. Now I’m retired and can dedicate some time to learn better the one I loved most, clojure.
I’m playing with clojure since many years, but never had a chance to use it for serious stuff.
I love 3d printing too, and I plan to start an open-source project for something along the lines of OpenScad, a tool for making 3d models programming as opposite to the usual click and drag way most modeling tools offer. My tool will be programmable in clojure, of course.

I’m glad I found this community. See you around.


Great to see a fellow Malaysian here! Do you still use Clojure?

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Hi… im from Philippines!
i’m new to clojure… i have no background using it.
im not sure why im hook on this language and wanted to learn it…
i read couple of books now… im reading about lisp as of this moment, also watch some videos already.
Clojure is not popular here in my country… im afraid no one is using it here… but i really wanted to explore… hope you could help me reaching my goal to be a clojure developer/ programmer :slight_smile: and spread it here in my country


Welcome! Regarding OpenScad and 3D printing, you might want to look at this: GitHub - adereth/dactyl-keyboard: Parameterized ergonomic keyboard and this: GitHub - farrellm/scad-clj: OpenSCAD DSL in Clojure

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Hi, thanks for the links. I already had a chance to work with scad-clj, and I liked it. I would like to put up something that allowed to program 3d model the way you would do it with scad-clj, but not relaying on OpenScad end any external clj IDE’s.
I’m thinking to a simple IDE (something like nightcode) that also visualizes the produced 3d model (and lets you move the camera with mouse driven pan/rotate/zoom) and save STL files. I’m not aware of the existance of a tool like that, so I’m working to build it myself.


That sounds like a great thing! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!

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as for 3d models with Clojure you can check out Clément’s talk at re:Clojure :wink:

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Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:, terrible audio but nice presentation !


Hi everyone! My name is Tim.

I’m in the United States. I’m originally from northern Nevada, but now living in California.

I’m not using Clojure professionally yet, but have been learning it in my spare time working on hobby and side-projects for a while now, and would love to transition to working in it full time.

  {:tea #{:black :oolong :darjeeling :breakfast}
   :coffee #{:black :cappuccino}}

Hello! My name is Marten, I’m from The Netherlands, and I am a professional clojure/script developer since early 2016.

Back then I was a freelance web developer using Java and PHP mostly, but was really fed up with it. Played around with clojure in spare time and decided I’d take the first opportunity to use clojure if I could get it.

Landed a green field project for a company (called, a Dutch Applicant Tracking System), and built it in clojure + clojurescript.

Great Success (Borat voice).

I also had a few clients I was consulting for, and they trusted me to use clojure for new stuff (where Java was used before), and again, the end results were good, so I could keep going.

Fast-forward fall 2018, i founded, a SaaS solution aimed at catering businesses who want to be more efficient in their operations regarding the administrative side of their business.

Now I am very very happy to say that 99% of my time I can spend in my Spacemacs with CIDER connected to one or more of my projects.

It’s bliss. The only mindblowing thing is: why didn’t I sign up to this site earlier :blush:


Hi, my name is Josef

My profession is mobile apps UX/UI design. But always found it important to understand how things are made, what developers need, what’s realistic. Bridging the design-development gap is my quest, I guess.

I’ve been writing code for learning purposes or for personal projects forever, coming from Ruby world my current weapon of choice is mostly Elixir, but also Swift/SwiftUI and TypeScript (mainly Framer prototyping). Also wrote stuff in Python, various JS frameworks, Elm, etc.

Big fan of Rich Hickey talks, I find them super valuable also for designers. Many of his ideas are very well applicable anywhere where critical thinking is important = everywhere. Hence I’ve been drawn into playing with Clojure & ClojureScript to learn new things, and also to solidify some functional programming concepts that obviously exist in Elixir as well, but are looked upon maybe from different perspective in Clojure.

Also couldn’t help but notice that many talks from Clojure community are given by pretty smart people, with lots of experience or talent, on a wide range of fascinating topics! As they say, if you’re the smartest guy in the room, you’re in the wrong room… Therefore I came to this “room” where I’m the dumbest and have the most opportunity to learn :wink:


edit / update:

i have recently started another youtube channel for the purpose of helping me out with both my guitar and japanese learning endeavours…

basically you get the lyrics + chords + some vocab + some grammar point… but all of this is still very much work in progress…

aaanyway… if u r interested in any of that, feel free to check it out!

Hello :wave:

I’m Tomek from Warsaw, Poland.

You can probably know me from humble OSS project I managed to get off the ground with the help of the community (:heart: :blue_heart: :black_heart:), hikari-cp:

I worked with Ruby (and Rails) for around 11 years. 2020 is the year I finally made a leap and started working professionally with Clojure :tada: I focus mostly on web development (backend and now also frontend), and dev tooling.

I’m a dad of two, a husband (of one). I enjoy weight lifting and mountain biking in my free time. Also, I walk a lot.

I love black coffee, but I also don’t mind good and strong black tea.

I hope to do more OSS work and blogging this year! :crossed_fingers:

You can find me on the Internet as @_tomekw on Twitter, @tomekw on GitHub, or on my website where I try to occasionally blog about Clojure and Ada.



Hi all,
My name is Oshan Wisumperuma, from Sri Lanka.
I have been working on Ruby on Rails, Java for past 5 years.
I’m new to Clojure eco system. a friend introduce me the language(Tomasz Balon)
reading “brave clojure” these days.


Hi, my name is Simon. I work as an online tutor for high school students.

Long long time ago, I had used Emacs a lot in Sun workstation. I even coded Bayesian analysis with XLisp-Stat once. The experiences I got there were satisfying. Then later I switched to C++ and Matlab and Windows system for that was what my job then required. C++ codes I wrote were in objects, and they gave me a very nasty surprise. In short, it didn’t converge when it was supposed to be so. After I stripped a simple array out of its object, the math simulation converged in a normal manner.

Recently I am trying to learn Clojure for two goals in mind. The first one is to download financial data and to analyze them. The second one is to do text parsing and linguistic analysis. I tried Python, which had allowed me to start pretty quickly. However, I could not like the appearance of its codes.

Most of my Emacs and Lisp experiences had rusted away. The big overhead of Lein setup had not helped me with much ease of beginning. Anyway, at this moment the REPL and cider-mode have been set up. Hopefully, the road from here down would be less bumpy.

Glad to be in this community.